Why React Hooks are Great

Here’s a pretty neat example of how React hooks allow for abstractions in really neat directions.

The example use case is for a loading spinner. A good loading UX won’t show a spinner for the first second or so, because the page might load near-instantly. In that case, you don’t want to show a quick flash of a loading spinner, since that would be jarring when you could just wait a big for the screen to show. If the app or data is taking longer than one second to load, then you want to show a loading spinner. And if the user has been waiting for more than five seconds, the component changes the text so the user doesn’t load interest.

The first file, the useTimeout hook, is very flexible. Notice that it’s used twice in the LoadingMessage component to easily give it different behavior depending on how long it’s been mounted.

// useTimeout.js
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

export default function useTimeout(ms) {
  const [isDone, setDone] = useState(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    const timerId = setTimeout(() => {
    }, ms);
    const cleanup = () => clearTimeout(timerId);
    return cleanup;
  }, []);

  return isDone;
// LoadingMessage.jsx
import React from 'react';
import useTimeout from './useTimeout';

export default function LoadingMessage() {
  // Don't show 'loading' before one second, to
  // avoid flicker of loading content
  const hasBeenWaiting = useTimeout(1000);

  // After 5 seconds, switch text to "Still loading..."
  const hasBeenWaitingLong = useTimeout(5000);
  const text = (hasBeenWaitingLong) ? "Still loading..." : "Loading...";

  if (!hasBeenWaiting) return null;
  return <p>{text}</p>;

Here’s a working example on CodePen.

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